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Spotlight Projects
Spotlight Projects
Undead Inc is a strategy, simulation, and builder game where you manage your own franchise. It’s entirely up to you how you want to approach it. Will you prioritize making money through dubious means, or will you opt for the legal route?
This is a personal project of mine focused on structure, modularity, and ease of use. I chose to develop a networking library due to the challenges it presents, demanding meticulous organization and offering no margin for error. It has been a rewarding learning experience and an enjoyable problem to solve.
Render/graphics programming
Engine programming
VFX Systems
VFX Editor Tool
Level Loading
Import and Export of levels from Unity to our engine
Shadow Atlas system
Animation system
Render/graphics programming
Engine programming
VFX Systems
VFX Editor Tool
Level Loading
Model Culling and Opitimizing
Rendering transparent objects correctly
Animation system